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Federal Laws are the laws that every American must follow. It does not matter which state an individual comes from, or resides in - they all must follow it.

In order for a bill to become a federal law, it must pass through the House of Representatives and the Senate, and then be signed by the president.

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Q: What does federal laws mean?
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Related questions

Who signed bills in to laws?

The Executive. If you mean Federal laws, that would be the President. State laws are signed into law by the Governor of the state.

How does article VI of the constitution resolve possible conflicts between state laws and federal laws?

The state laws are overruled by the federal laws.

What was John marshal's interpretation of state and federal laws under the constitution?

federal laws were superior to state laws

How are states denied powers?

Federal Laws and the federal constitution super cedes the states.

Which branch of government makes federal laws?

The legislative branch of government makes the federal laws and state laws.

What are fedral bank laws?

Federal bank laws are specific laws at the federal level that banks must follow. They are controlled or regulated by several federal departments, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

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Laws like our state and federal laws.

What laws does congress make?

Federal laws

Are there or have there been federal penalties for sanctuary cities?

No, there are no federal laws that address the specific subject of "sanctuary cities."However that does not mean that there are not any laws that could be applied. Just a few that come to mind is 'Harboring a Federal Fugitive,' "Aiding and Abetting a criminal offense," etc.

What does a gold star on my ga drivers license mean?

It means that it conforms to federal REAL ID laws.

What are the legal documents upon which are based the operations and organization of our educational system?

State and federal laws.State and federal laws.State and federal laws.State and federal laws.

Is school law federal law?

Some laws that are applicable to school systems are federal laws.