DoD may use them; if they are used, they only have limited pecuniary liability.
The official website is not protected by copyright, pursuant to federal law.
No. The US District Courts are trial courts (original jurisdiction) of general jurisdiction under most circumstances, although they do occasionally hear appeals of federal departmental decisions made by Administrative Law Judges.
The Supreme Court reviews the rulings of the lower Federal Courts. They hear cases that they grant certiorary to typically related to Constitutional law. Their rulings are the official Federal interpretation of the law.
The expression is nobody is above the law.
The official language of the United States is not specified at the federal level. English is the most widely spoken language, but there is no official language designated by law. Many states have adopted English as their official language, but there is no universal rule for the entire country.
The United States does not have an official language at the federal level. English is the most widely spoken language, but there is no law designating it as the official language.
The current Federal Republic of Germany is a limited government since the officers in that government are accountable to the laws of Germany and all international / EU agreements that Germany has signed. Should a German Chancellor violate the law, he or she will be tried in a court of law, just like any other citizen.
A federal law.
A federal law wins.
Federal supremacy establishes that federal law supercedes all state and local law. Federal supremacy establishes that federal law supercedes all state and local law.