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An enumerated felony is multiple felony charges in the same case. In a trial a person is charged with enumerated felonies when multiple crimes have been committed that result in a death or numerous felonies committed at the same time.

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Q: What does enumerated felony mean?
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What is enumerated mean?

Enumerated means detailed, listed, specified, etc.

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"Enumerated" means numbered. An enumerated list means a list which is ordered by numbering.

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What Does it mean for government to have enumerated powers?

Powers are delegated

What crimes result in a felony?

Felony offenses are enumerated and set forth by statute written by your state legislature. "Serious" criminal acts and offenses are specifically designated as felony crimes and lesser offenses are misdemeanors. For any further detailed info you will have to research you own state's criminal statutes.

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