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Q: What does case to be listed mean in court?
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It sends the case back to the lower court.

What do the letters preceding case numbers in court documents mean?

It can vary from court to court, but they are normally the initials of the judge who was assigned to the case. Courts sometimes use CR to denote a criminal case and CV to denote a civil case.

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What does AUA mean in a cour case?

The abbreviation AUA can be Acceptable Use Agreement. This can appear in court documents for a court case is there is a dispute over property and a binding arrangement.

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It means that the case is dismissed because the plaintiff did not show up in court.

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No it was not a supreme court case, but a state case because it was held in the local court

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Rehab...inmate has been put into rehab.

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That the person will be brought before a court to answer charges

In a civil court what does to adjourn mean?

A word that can be used in two contexts. It could mean that the court session is ended for that particular day, or also can be used to mean that the court case has been completed, all business pertaining to the case has been heard and the court is closing its session.Further AnswerIn British English, it means to 'temporarily suspend'. When a meeting is finished, it is 'closed' not adjourned.

What does disposition entered mean in a court case?

The disposition is the ultimate outcome of a case. What that means in a particular context would depend on the case's unique facts.

What does acd mean for a case?

Without more informatiofn about the case it's really impossible to say. Court notations, abbreviations, and 'shorthand' are by no means universal throughout all court systems.