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It's a warning to truck drivers of a steep grade ahead, and gives an advisory speed for which they should go down that grade. Advisory signs are applicable to all traffic, and that particular sign isn't limited just to Class 6 - 8 trucks - if you lose your brakes in a pickup truck and wind up in an accident because you failed to heed that advisory and adjust your speed going down the hill in order to ensure that you didn't burn out your brakes, you can be held liable, all the same.

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Q: What does a yellow traffic sign with a truck on a slant and speed limit posted mean and does it apply to cars?
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When the yellow light on the school zone speed limit sign is flashing you do not have to observe the posted speed limit on this sign?

When it is flashing the speed posted is the limit

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Is the speed limit posted on a yellow recommended speed limit sign enforceable?

ur dumbos of course not

How long is the yellow traffic light to be on relative to the speed limit and maximum vehicle weight?

The national standard for yellow lights is to allow one second for each 10 mph of the posted speed limit. So in a 55 mph posted zone, the yellow light should last at least 5.5 seconds. Recently a number of cities have been busted for shortening the yellow light times and collecting millions of dollars in fines for running red lights.

What is the speed limit in a school zone when the light is flashing yellow?

Whatever the normal posted speed limit of the road is.

Is it ok to go over 65 on the freeway to keep up with traffic?

Not if it is above the posted limit.

What rule applies to speed an ideal weather and road conditions?

No traffic, the posted speed limit. Non-posted 2-lane highways are default 55mph. In traffic, only as fast as safe, no tailgating

Speeding in California 10 mph over posted limit?

In California, speeding 10 mph over the posted speed limit will result in a ticket for about $250. You may also have to go to traffic school.

The time that a traffic light remains yellow is 1 second more than 0-5 times the speed limit what is the yellow time for a traffic light an a street with a speed limit of 30mins per hr?

Between 0 and 150m 5s.

When the posted speed limit is 70 MPH the minimum speed limit is MPH.?

When the posted speed limit is 70 MPH, the minimum speed limit is typically 40-45 MPH on highways and interstates to maintain traffic flow and safety. It's important to check for posted minimum speed limit signs as well, as they may vary depending on the road conditions.

Are you allowed to adjust speed when changing lanes in traffic?

as long as you do not exceed the posted speed limit. the posted speed limit is the maximun speed which a vehicle may be operated. it does not have a built in tolerance for five or ten miles per hour. it is the LIMIT, you could theorecially get a citation for even ONE mile in speed over the limit.

According to FS 316.183 the maximum speed limit in a business district is?

Whatever the posted speed limit is for traffic. There isn't one set speed limit for this.