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Trial by jury is just like a regular trial, except instead of having the judge convict the defendant- the jury decides if the defendant is guilty or innocent. The jury is a group of people chosen randomly from society. The object is to get a large number of people that have no bias against or for the defendant.

Trial by jury is part of larger Right called Due Process.

Due Process means that the government must follow known and established procedures and may not act arbitrarily or unpredictably in negatively altering or destroying life, liberty, or property.

For example, when someone is arrested they are given the right of habeas corpus, which mean that they can't be detained without being read the charges. they are then given the right to a speedy trial by a jury of their peers.

In the U.S., we use an Adversary form of trial. Meaning we have the defendant and the prosecutor. When we use the terms proven 'not guilty' we do not mean that that person is actually innocent. it simply means there isn't enough evidence to convict that person(s) of the crime. So, the phrase innocent until proven guilty is incorrect, because lets face it: a good lawyer can make anyone 'innocent'.

Additionally, a person can not be tried twice for the same crime.

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Civil trials rarely ever get to the point where a jury is involved. By far, most civil trials are "settled" before the case ever even gets to court. The settling process can be long and involved, however.

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11y ago

It means in rare occasians the jury is involed

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A group of your fellow citizens (7 to 12, depending on the type of case, and your state) listen to the evidence presented in court and decide on your guilt.

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You're RIGHT again !!!

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Q: What does Trial by Jury in Civil Cases mean?
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What does seventh amendment mean?

Amendment VIIIn suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.The 7th amendment gives citizens the right to a jury trial in civil court cases where the damages exceed $20.

What does right by trial by jury mean?

In most cases, you have the right to have your case heard by a jury, rather than a judge, in the US. In the criminal context, this means that jury will hear the evidence, and they will decide whether or not to find you guilty. In the civil context, this means that a jury will hear the evidence and determine who is liable to pay the damages.The judge still makes decisions of law, but the jury decides issues of fact, such as who is lying.Read more: What_does_the_the_right_to_trial_by_jury_mean

When someone says they have Jury Duty what do they mean and what does it involve?

It means that they have been summoned to possibly serve as a member of a jury in either a criminal or a civil trial. Not all persons summoned for jury duty will be called and not all will actually serve on one.

What doe the seventh amendment mean?

Amendment 7 guarantees a jury trial in civil suits where the value exceeds $20. When both parties agree, a judge, rather than a jury, can decide the case.

What does the seventh amendment actually mean?

Amendment 7 guarantees a jury trial in civil suits where the value exceeds $20. When both parties agree, a judge, rather than a jury, can decide the case.

What does thr seventh amendment mean?

The 7th admendment is the trail by jury in civil case 1 freedoms 2right to bear arms 3lodging of troops 4search and seizure 5rights of the accused 6right to speedy trail by jury 7)trail by jury in civil case and so on.... Right to jury in civil case means that you have the right to go to court if there is a civil case

What does it mean when a court case status is Jury trial prayed?

Jury Trial Prayed basically means that the defendant has requested a jury trial. Any defendant that is charged with a felony has the constitutional right to request a jury trial. This can be done for many reasons. It is sometimes used as a delaying tactic by the defense. In some jurisdictions, there are certain criminal charges that may be heard by a judge only. If the defense comes before a judge who is known to be unfriendly or hand down harsh sentences in certain circumstances, the defense will sometimes ask for a jury trial (Pray Jury Trial) which will often mean a change of venue and a delay since there are logistical reasons why a jury cannot be seated on the spot. There are some small courtrooms without jury boxes and they obviously cannot handle jury cases. This has also been commonly used as a general delaying tactic to cause extra inconvenience for a victim and their witnesses.

What does Petit C juror mean?

A Petit C juror refers to a petit juror who has been empaneled to hear a criminal case. Petit jurors are responsible for determining guilt or innocence based on the evidence presented in the trial.

What does the the right to trial by jury mean?

In most cases, you have the right to have your case heard by a jury, rather than a judge, in the US. In the criminal context, this means that jury will hear the evidence, and they will decide whether or not to find you guilty. In the civil context, this means that a jury will hear the evidence and determine who is liable to pay the damages.The judge still makes decisions of law, but the jury decides issues of fact, such as who is lying.That you will be sent to court, and the decision will be made by a group of adults which will determine whether you are 'guilty' or 'innocent' - after the jury has made their choice, the judge will carry out with the sentence.

What does this mean 7?

The trial by jury amendment preserves the rights to a jury trial. It also eliminates double jeopardy, a person can only be tried once. It also stated that the maximum that a judge can hear a case on without a jury is 20 dollars, a large sum at the time of its passing.