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First, a grand jury, as is the case of any other types of jury, is a jury assembled of people from the general public. This is what makes a jury public. Indict means for a grand jury to decide that there is enough evidence to bring an accused before the court to answer the charges.

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Q: What does Public Grand Jury Indict filed mean?
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No Bill by the grand jury?

Means that the Grand Jury declined, or failed, to indict the defendant.

What is an example of a sentence using the word indict?

The grand jury decided to indict the suspect on charges of fraud and embezzlement.

Who is responsible for deciding whether or not to indict a suspect?

The grand jury.

Does the grand jury decide guilt in a child abuse case?

The grand jury never decides guilt. The grand jury decides whether or not to indict, based on the sufficiency of evidence.

Why is the grand jury necessary?

Generally all felony offenses. CAUTION: Not all states indict defendants via the Grand Jury system.

A Grand Jury was never called in my felony case?

More information is needed - some states do not use the Grand Jury system to indict you of an offense.

What is a sentence for the word indict?

"The grand jury voted to indict him on the charge of capital murder." "The candidate sought to indict gun ownership as the cause of criminal violence." "The district attorney can indict you on the evidence he already has."

What does no bill mean?

A "no-true bill" is a grand jury's refusal to indict a suspected for a crime. Most felony cases require a grand jury to issue a "true bill" in order for a prosecutor to prosecute the offender. If a "no bill" is returned, the case is over with at that point.

Can a petit jury give the death penalty?

Yes. A 'petit jury IS a trial jury. The term "petit" differentiates it from a "grand" jury which only has the power to indict the defendant but not to try them.

What if the grand jury doesn't indict?

When the case goes to the GRAND JURY that is when they look at everything and decide whether or not they have a case.If they do not have a substantial amount of evidence against the defendent the case will then be dismissed. So they refuse to indict...there is no case, it is dismissed.

Are witnesses for grand jury heard before defendant trial date?

Yes, typically witnesses are called to testify before a grand jury prior to the defendant's trial date. The purpose of the grand jury is to evaluate the evidence and determine whether there is sufficient cause to bring charges against the defendant. The witness testimony is used to gather information and establish probable cause for the charges.

Use indict in a sentence?

An indictment is, essentially, to be formally accused of something. An example sentence is: The indictment was absolutely humiliating for him.