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There are no laws for dating so that is legal as long as the minors parents agrees to it. Sex is illegal since you can not give consent to sex until you are 17 in NM. In this case it would be statutory rape by the adult.

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Q: What does NM law say about a 19yr old male with a 14yr old girl?
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No, they could be prosecuted also.

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Its sorta strange, but I believe there isn't a law against it.

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In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for a male or a female. The noun nephew is a word for a male relative; the noun niece is a word for a female relative.

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NO.... Human law will dictate that it is against the law. However The laws of nature dictate if both mammal's have entered mating season than its fair game. for some seriousness... NO..... The girl is way to young to enter into a relationship with a male of 23 it is against the law and the male will be punished by prison time.

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No. The law states consensual age is 17 for both male and female

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If you are male ( brother-in-law ) If you are female ( sister-in-law )

Is it against the law for a 16 year old girl to date a 26 year old male?

No, there are no laws about dating. In most places that age of consent for sexual activity is 16.