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To corroborate is to confirm. If you are corroborating the testimony of another employee, it means that you are formally stating that what this other employee said is correct, to the best of your knowledge.

It could aslo be an indictment of the collusion of perjury.

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Q: What does 'corroborate the testimony of another employee' mean?
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What does it mean if you have been asked to corroborate the testimony of another employee?

It means you have been asked to confirm that the other employee's testimony is correct and factual.

What does corroborate the testimony mean?

Agree with. Backup. Confirm.

What does it mean to corroborate a testimony?

Corroborating a testimony means providing additional evidence or testimony that supports or confirms the original testimony given. It helps to strengthen the credibility and reliability of the original testimony by showing consistency and agreement from multiple sources.

What does corroborate an testimony mean?

Corroborating a testimony means providing additional evidence or testimony that supports or confirms the validity of the original testimony. It helps to strengthen the credibility and reliability of the original testimony by showing that it is consistent with other information or accounts.

What does corroborate mean?

Corroborate means to strengthen or support with evidence.

What does it mean when you are asked to corroborate the testimony of another employee?

It means someone is using you as a witness; now your employer or more likely a lawyer or Law Enforcement Officer wants you to speak "on the record" about what you know regarding the other employe. Testimony is a statement made under oath, it will be something that serves as evidence. You will be offering your firsthand authentication of a fact - you will be asked to give the statements freely and once done you will swear what you said was truthful, to the best of your knowledge. If giving a statement means incriminating yourself in illegal activity you may want to ask for an attorney or bring an attorney with you.

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What is false testimony mean in the bible?

False testimony (or false witness) in the Bible (and anywhere else) is basically lying. So if you see something, then lie about that to somebody, you are bearing false testimony (or false witness).

What does employee relationships mean?

The special bond between a worker and a employee.