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You need to have permission from your parents and be able to show the court that you can support yourself financially without the help of any friends, relatives or social agency.

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Q: What do you need to do to be emancipated from your parents if you just turned seventeen years old and how do you bring your sister with you and get custody of her as well?
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In Georgia can you move in with your 20 year old sister if you are 17 without parents consent your sister agrees to let you stay and she will keep you in school?

NO, until you are of legal age (in all states it is 18) and your parents have custody you can not do this, if you have reason and your sister can afford it you can ask your sister to have a custody hearing to switch and then you can.

What if your parents passed way and your sister have a baby an you have custody of your sister an the baby an then a cousin get custody of the baby do you as being a aunt have any rights?

No but your sister have rights still and can still have visitation. Both you and the cousin had equal rights in court.

Your parents are willing to give up custody of you and your sister wants to take you. Is this possible?

Your sister will need to be appointed by the appropriate court. With your parents' consent it should go fairly easily.

Can a 19 year old have custody if her 13 year old sister?

Not as long as there are fit parents. They might agree to it if the parents are deceased.

Can a 14-year-old move out of her parents' house and live with her sister if she can support herself in the state of Iowa?

No, not unless her parents give the adult sister a written and notarized statement granting temporary custody (3 months or less). Any other arrangement for the minor to leave the custody of her parents would have to be done through prescribed legal procedures.

What if your parents let your sister husband and kids move into your room leaving you no where to sleep can you get emancipated?

No ... there's always the couch in the living room. There must be underlying reasons why the parents opted for the sister's family to occupy one of the bedrooms. Perhaps this is just temporary and you will get your room back again.

How can a sister get custody of her lil sister when her lil sister doesnt want to go back to live with her dad and he wants back home but his wife abused her?

Unless there is proof of abuse you have no chance. The parents decide where she will live until she is 18yo.

How do you write 17?

You spell it like this: seventeen. E.g My sister is turning seventeen on the 28th of December.

Can a 15-years-old wants to live with sister even when the dad who has custody doesn't want to?

No, it's the parents who decide where you will live until you are 18yo.

Your sister is 17 and your mother lost custody of her and her father dont want her im her 23 year old sister can you get her?

Yes you can gain custody of her.

Will the mother or biological fathers stepsister be more likely to get custody of the 7 month old baby of a married woman?

The father's step sister has no legal rights in this case. A mother automatically has custody of her child.The father's step sister has no legal rights in this case. A mother automatically has custody of her child.The father's step sister has no legal rights in this case. A mother automatically has custody of her child.The father's step sister has no legal rights in this case. A mother automatically has custody of her child.

Can you choose to live with your mom if your sister has legal custody of you though your mom was never notified?

no because your sister has custody of you your mom doesnt have to know she is no longer your parent or gaurdian