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If you are working in a child care center and consent has not been given to give a child medication, you cannot do so. The only thing that you can do is to call the parents and make sure they give you a written consent; there is no other steps that you can follow.

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Q: What do you need to do if an individual is unable to express consent?
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Simply allow him to go. He is still a minor and unable to contract. And he cannot sign a lease.

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16 is the actual age of LEGAL consent of the individual engaging in the sex act. The parents/guardians do NOT have to consent or approve . . . however, as a personal aside, I strongly urge you think of the family's reaction and possible consequences.

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No you can not. You must be 16 with parents consent. 18+ consent is not needed

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No. You need the consent of your legal guardian

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Yes, you will need parental consent to drop out. And you will have to be over the age of 16.

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All of them with parental consent. Without parental consent you need the courts consent or no marriage.

Does the father need the mothers consent to visit another state with son?

Not unless you are in a custody battle. It is only if you are going out of the country that you need consent

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You only need parental consent if you are under 18. If you are then you only need one parent.