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The lease liked thing about being a nurse is having someone close to you die. There are other bad things but that is the worst.

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Q: What do you like least about your job as a nurse?
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It is very strong - at least $25.00 an hour

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What is the job of a nurse?

the job of a nurse is measure the pulse give medicine and check different papers.

What did you like least about your job?

the schedule. .dont like middle shifts

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There are no actual claims that describe whether or not Clara Burton liked her job as a nurse. However, it is claimed that she enjoyed helping people, which would suggest that she enjoyed her nursing job.

Being a nurse is the job enjoyable?

Being a nurse is a really enjoyable job and should be considered for alot of people

Do you like this nurse job and why?

yes i enjoy nursing they give me a oppurtinty to meet people and helpo with the elderly

Do you find the most and least interesting in your job?

the most intersting job and the least interesting job belong the way u are and if there is a intersting job u should choose this then that is it and the least is were u dont like the job and were you feel the job does not feel your way you could do anything that is awesome in life...

Where can one find a job as a nurse paralegal?

Finding a job as a nurse paralegal is not a very challenging thing to do. In order to find a job as a nurse paralegal, one can visit the website Simply Hired and search for jobs there.