The most effective strategy is probably placing juvenile probation under the control of the juvenile court and funding it through local government agencies. This is particularly true in states that provide revenue sup-port of staff to local systems that meet state standards.
Judges are there to administer the LAW - I'm sure that many, if not most, feel compassiion for their fellow-man, but they are not Social Workers, they are hired to administer the law as it is written by the legislature and administered by the courts.
no you cant leave the state while on probation unless you get permission from your probation officer or you will go to jail and most probation officers will tell you that you can't have any weapons while on probation
Watch the gadget show.
You do not have to pay any probation officer directly. You do most likely have to pay probation supervision fees, however. These payments are NOT made to your probation officer but usually to the clerk's office of your sentencing court.
Any mind altering in most cases on probation is illegal, drug court probation has done testing for in the past.
Yes. If your probation says "no drugs," and most of them do, you can't even drink.
Previous incarceration
That's a violation of your probation. Most likely 6 months in jail.
For most the part, scrub technicians cannot inject medications. They are allowed in most hospitals to administer IVs with saline solution and like applications.