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You need to sit down for a face-to-face conference with your attorney and determine from them why they won't proceed against the ex-spouse. There may be some perfectly valid legal reason. If they cannot, or will not, explain their reason to your satisfaction, retain another attorney. If the ex-spouse is not fulfilling some type of court ordered action you could file a "motion to compel" with the court.

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Q: What do you do when your ex is in contempt of court and your lawyer won't do anything to help you get what was court ordered over four years ago?
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Yes. Contempt of court can be on either side of the issue. It is going against anything the court issued document ordered.

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I believe you can go to the court and file for contempt of court if it was ordered by the judge that your ex was to refinance in a given period of time.

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Only a presiding judge can charge an individual with contempt of court.

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If your ex husband was ordered to keep insurance on your mutual child or children then he could be help in contempt of court if he did not cover them. A lawyer will be able to go over details of the case.

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You could be found in contempt.

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If he is not paying court ordered child support, he is contempt of court. All you need to do is, go to the court which issued the order and address the issue.

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Contempt of court is most commonly used with regard to people who have violated direct orders of the court. For instance, a person who has been ordered to return a piece of property and refuses to do so may be in contempt of court. However, the term can apply to any disrespect shown to the court/judge. Recently, an attorney was jailed for contempt of court for cursing in the courtroom.

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Indiana shows no statute of limitation on filing contempt charge on debt in a divorce decree. You need to contact your lawyer and ask them to petition the court for non-payment.

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Contempt of Court, and/or whatever matter before the court that initiated the order being reconsidered.

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If you were ordered by a judge, or via a court order, to do certain things by a certain time - and you don't do it, yes, you can be found in contempt for violating a court order. If you are just failing to fulfill an administrative requirement of the law, no, not contempt.