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:Document incidents miticulouly on paper and preferrably have credible witnesses present at the time the exchange is supposed to occur. Unless you are certain the child is in immediate physical danger, do not involve law enforcement in the presence of the child/children.

After compiling documentation, hire an exceptional attorney and take the ex to court.

Judges are more inclinded to assist you if you have documentation and witnesses. Judges also will appreciate the fact that you went out of your way to not disrupt the child's life by involving law enforcement in the presence of the child. Having a cop tell either mom or dad that they cannot pick up or take a child is devistating to a child under any circumstances. Don't fall into the trap of using the children even if it is obvious that your ex is doing just that. Don't stoop to that level. Your child/children will eventually know the facts.

Take him to court! (Have you tried talking to him and asking? If so, and he said no, then you have to take him to court. If there is an order he has to listen to it.)

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8y ago
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15y ago

In some states the parent can contact the department of family and children's services to help enforce the visitation order in most states he or she will need to return to court and request the order be enforced. The custodial parent who denies visitation when there is a court order in affect can be charged with contempt and may be placing their custodial rights in jeopardy depending upon the circumstances.

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13y ago

Legally, there is little that can be done, however you could contact a local fathers rights group to send some members over to have a talk with him. I've done that numerous times in the Kansas City area.

What if it is the mother that is the non-custodial parent?

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11y ago

The situation should be reported to the court immediately by filing a motion for contempt of a court order against the other parent. You should visit the court and ask to speak with an advocate or consult with a private attorney who can review your situation and explain your options.

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12y ago

It depends on the details. If the parent is taking the child but not picking the child up and returning him at the stated times then you can file a motion for contempt of a court order. If the parent is not exercising the visitation rights there is little you can do.

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11y ago

Bring it to yhe attention of your lawyer, or of the court that issued the order.

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12y ago

Hire a lawyer and go to court.

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Q: What do you do if the noncustodial parent is not obeying the court order for visitation?
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Only the court has the power to deny visitation rights.

If noncustodial parent alter the court visitation order do you still have to allow visitation?

It the non custodial parent alters the court ordered visitation, the other parent does not have to allow the visitation, unless it was altered in court. If it was not altered in court, the parent can file for contempt of court.

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If there is a court order yes. Then you have to work on this the both of you.

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If the visitation is court ordered and the non-compliant parent can provide no compelling and acceptable reasons why they are not adhering, yes.

Can a court in new york deny visitation with the noncustodial parent because the noncustodial parent moved out of state for work?

No, but the orders need to be modified. see link

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If there is a court order for visitation, yes.

How old does a child have to be to stop visitation with noncustodial parent in WV?

With a court order, any age. Without, 18.

Can a noncustodial parent who is incarcerated still have visitation with their children?

In Illinois, if a court finds that the visits would be in the best interests of the child, then yes.

Can a noncustodial parent that sells drugs have the right to visit his child?

A parent has visitation rights unless the Judge orders otherwise.If the offending parent gets arrested and convicted the custodial parent can file in court and POSSIBLY have the visitation rights revoked.

Can the custodial parent deny visitation to the non-custodial parent if no visitation order is in effect?

Yes. The non-custodial parent must return to court and request a visitation schedule.Yes. The non-custodial parent must return to court and request a visitation schedule.Yes. The non-custodial parent must return to court and request a visitation schedule.Yes. The non-custodial parent must return to court and request a visitation schedule.

What are the visitation laws in Maine for noncustodial parent who lives out of state?

This is a decision of the court, and not covered under state statute. see links below

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If the noncustodial parent tries to keep the child, the custodial parent can get the noncustodial parent charged with kidnapping and contempt of court both can be jail time for the noncustodial.