It will decide that the cases do not need to be heard. The Supreme Court only takes the cases that relate to the Constitution.
The Supreme Court of the United States was created in 1789. Most of the cases the court hears come from lower courts. Each year, the Supreme Court receives 7,000 or more requests to hear cases from lower courts.
Yes, appeals courts hear cases that are being appealed from lower court decisions. That's what they are for.
The appellate court with jurisdiction over cases heard in the relevant trial court.
Supreme Court does not dismiss cases. It will either affirm or reverse the lower court, or it will decline to grant the appeal.
The Supreme Court hears three kinds of cases. Cases appealed from lower federal courts account for two-thirds of the cases they hear. They also hear cases appealed from state's supreme courts, and sometimes hear cases that have not been previously heard by a lower court, such as between one state's government and another.
Hear cases that are on appeal from the lower, trial court.
A majority of those voting. In the case of a tie, the lower court's ruling stands, so if the lower court said it *was* constitutional, then it still is, but if the lower court struck down the law, then a tie at the Supreme Court means the law gets struck down. Actual ties are very rare.
Used when a lower court is not clear about the procedure or rule of law that should apply in a case. The lower courts ask the Supreme Court to certify the answer to a specific question matter.
the lower court's decision stands unless there is a majority of the Supreme Court in favor of overturning it.
lower district courts