We have not uncovered any real evidence of aliens, so there is no absolute answer, and possible answers would vary from planet to planet, i.e. if there were aliens on Neptune, they would probably drink water and ammonia (as it is the main source of liquid). Ammonia is normally encountered a gas but in chemistry, it's the compound with the formula NH3. You should know what water is.
We do not know. We have not made contact with any aliens.
They like to drink the salt water because they think it tastes like bananas. Also they are very kind to all the rest of the sea-creatures except for the wild sea aliens. They will kill all sea aliens that come in their path.
tbh i wudnt no wat we'd luk like 2 aliens
no because aliens do not igzist .this is my best guess
aliens on earth feel like they are lost or they are lost in there own world
yes if you do what ben did to get aliens like waybig
Afghans are not aliens. They are humans just like everyone else.
We do not know since aliens have never been to earth.
no they like dubstep
no they aren't. aliens are considered things not from our planet like bacteria. Aliens are not the kind you think they are.
No one knows. We don't know if aliens even exist at all.
No, but there has been encounters with creatures like aliens, such as the snake heads.