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Request an updated letter from the court. They can reissue the letter for you.

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Q: What do I do if my letter of testamentary is outdated it is 7 mos old and the requested is for less than 6 months?
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Do letters of testamentary expire in New york?

Letters of Testamentary are issued by government to ensure the writ of state in legal matters. These letters do carry and expiration date which ranges from 6 months to 2 years.

In Texas how long do creditors have after being notified of death to respond against an estate?

6 months after the issuance of the letters of testamentary/administration.

Do you say requested the or requested to the?

My first inclination is to say "requested that" and "requested that the". Phrases like "requested the" and (but only in certain circumstances) "requested of the" are generally clunky and inserting "that" after "requested" makes better sentences. Examples for "requested that": The professor requested that I meet with him tomorrow. The man requested that his neighbor stop driving on the lawn. I requested that the apartment manager meet me next Wednesday to discuss problems. Examples for "requested that the": The manager requested that the tennants put their garbage cans behind the building. The manager requested that the supervisors wear suits for the meeting. Examples for "requested the": I requested the chicken with mashed potatoes and peas. I requested the bills for the last six months.

Can a trustee of a testamentary trust take back cash it distributed as a result of its own mistake eleven months after the distribution?

You can try to get the money back. If you are not successful then you are responsible to correct your error.

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Her bills need to be paid first.

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There are 2 months that start with the letter 'A' those months are April and August

What are the names of the months that contain the letter R?

The months are:DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilSeptemberOctoberNovember

How long is an apraisal on a home good for?

There really is no fixed expiration date on home appraisal's but most lenders would most likely consider them outdated after six months.

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Depending on how outdated-it says do not use after a year,but I've been assured by a pharmacist that they can be kept another 6 months or so-just as long as they are not soft and/or falling apart on their own

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I'd suggest a theater, as it just barely came out. This is an answer on July 7, 2010, by the way. Give it a few months, then this answer will become outdated, and you can find it on DVD.

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What month has an R as the third letter?

Months where 'R' is the third letter are:MarchApril