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I'm 14 actually but I'll still answer

personally, i like the boy to be sweet, funny, caring, not afraid to hug me, is kind to me but teases me nicely sometimes, understands when I'm upset, gives me space, is intelligent and is clean and not smelly.

lookswise, i like the boy to be slightly taller than me and to not be overweight. first impressions are often based on looks though.

really, i just like a boy who's easy to be around, got fun and I'm comfortable with. also he needs to be trustworthy.

Hi, im 13 and I personaly look for three basics: he's funny, not a sleezebag, and he cares. You dont have to be hot, well you CAN be hot, most girls look for hot but not EVERYONE. another thing is that guys SHOULDNT be fake. NO. Being fake is the worst you can do. Be natural but please dont say the first thing that pops into your head. Seriously, just dont. Compliment the the girl, not just looks but personality too. A guy needs to be (REALLY NEEDS TO BE) kind, not a sleezebag (seriously the worst thing you can do to a girl is be a SLEEZEBAG. So dont be a sleezebag! Girls, no matter the age, want to be cared for. Not too much though, just enough to feel loved but not claustriphobic. And they wont to feel noticed so notice when they paint their nails or wear new earrings or get new shoes. Girls LOVE shoes so mention them and LISTEN to what she says! Oh, and DONT look at other girls while talking to a girl. You dont want them to think your a player. Girls dont like players.

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12y ago
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12y ago

All a girl wants is in this answer. I'm 13 too so I have experience

  • be her friend ( maybe best friends would be better)
  • hug her so she feels protected by you
  • show her how much you care for her
  • stear at her in lessons or when your together somewhere if she caches you look into her eyes and smile :) if she askes you why you were looking at you say because you have amazing eyes or your just looking so good today !
  • tell her you like her maby say hey umm i kinda like you wanna go out?
  • make sure you always smell and look good around her i recommend lynxs deodrant
  • FLIRT with her !!
  • invite her to the cinema or something together maybe alone ?

Hope this helped!

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12y ago

What a girl really want from a boy for Christmas is a kiss on the lips ( maybe even with some tongue) even if you aren't together and you have a crush on her. Ask her friend if they like you. If you are together with a girl then give her that special kiss! Believe me this is totally true advise I give this advise to all my bros and friends! That special girl of yours is going to love you forever if you this (especially if you use some tongue)! Take this advise from me I'm 13!

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13y ago

It depends what kind of girl they are. Usually it would be a smart, tall, and handsome guy with straight brown hair. But that is in most girls opinion. The answers vary!!

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13y ago

They look for good personality, good smile, most likely pretty, funny, nice, people who seem like they want to talk to you, kind, and most of all a good heart.

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13y ago

it could be sex. most teenage guys want that. but it might not be.

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16y ago

Someone intersting, handsome and nice.

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