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It wasn't solved, it was reversed. When the genocide ended in Rwanda, the Hutu perpators fled into the eastern Congolese provinces of Ituri, South Kivu, and North Kivu. Then Tootsie militants followed them and now they are simply adding to the blood shed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. To learn more go to the archives at

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10y ago

The general response by the world to the genocide in Rwandan was avoidance. The situation did not draw the same sort of attention as the ones in Somalia and Yugoslavia.

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15y ago

The West did almost nothing. It was left to Rwanda's neighbour, Tanzania, to invade Rwanda and stop the killings.

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13y ago

He couldn't... He had died in a plane crash. Which allowed the Hutu Militia to start to rise up and kill tutsi's.

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Q: What did the president of Rwanda do to stop the genocide?
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What began the Rwanda genocide?

The killing of the Rwanda president , but the Hutu were the ones that killed the president but many believed it was the tutu-sis. S o that's what began the Rwanda genocide.

When did genocide in Rwanda stop?

In July 1994.

How did the president of Rwanda die before the The Rwanda genocide?

His plane got shot down.

What directly resulted from the death of rwanda's president habyaimana in 1994?

The brutal genocide of almost a million Tutsis resulted from the death of Rwanda's president Habyarimana in 1994.

Why did the Rwanda genocide stop?

Because the Tutsi RPF captured Kigali.

Is Rwanda a genocide?

No. Rwanda is a country where a genocide occurred in the 1990s.

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no their was no one who got punished for the Rwanda genocide.

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What was the defining moment that started the genocide in Rwanda?

The genocide in Rwanda began immediately upon the death of Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana. The plane he was traveling in from a Tanzanian peace conference was downed on April 6, 1998.

What was President Clinton biggest regret?

President Clinton has stated that his biggest regret during his presidency was the failure to take military action to stop the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. This was a major humanitarian crisis where approximately 800,000 people were killed in a short span of time, and the United States did not intervene. President Clinton has expressed remorse for not doing more to prevent the tragedy.

What country ended the genocide in Rwanda?

Rwanda itself!