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In a word, authority. But please indicate which government and specifically, which rebellion.

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Q: What did the government prove by using armed troops to put down the rebellion?
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What was Washington's response to the whiskey rebellion?

in 1794 president Washington sent nearly 15,000 troops to crush the whiskey rebellion. Sebastian Aguirre

Why did George Washington react to the Whiskey Rebellion in the way that he did?

To prove that the new national government was strong.

Which president prove the power of the federal government by putting down the whiskey rebellion?

George Washington

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What did the whiskey rebellion prove to the world?

It proved the US Government would use violence against its own people to get them to follow the rules.

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because it produced symptoms of riot and violence from men in the western counties of Pennsylvania due to "lay and collect excises". They feared that they would refuse to adhere to the tax and law that was generated through a government that they voted for representation. They put down the rebellion quite seriously with a notable amount of troops to show that they were not messing around and prove a point that these men would pay the tax under the government.

What message was Washington sending to the American people whe he used force to stop the Whiskey Rebellion?

George Washington was trying to prove that he could be a strong leader that would enforce the law, since the people were doubting that the government was capable of handling rebellion.

What message was Washington sending to the American people when he use the force to stop The whiskey rebellion?

George Washington was trying to prove that he could be a strong leader that would enforce the law, since the people were doubting that the government was capable of handling rebellion.

What did the federalists hope to prove with the governments response to the whiskey rebellion?

the federalists proved that they had power by stopping the rebellion.

What did Washington reaction to the whiskey rebellion prove?

Whiskey Rebellion proved to Americans that their new government would act firmly in times of crisis and represented the first major test of the national government's ability to enforce its laws within the states.

How do you prove active military duty?

After a person has left the service; they are given a DD-214 piece of paper which shows when they served in the Armed Forces. If they lose their original, I am sure they can get a photocopy (for a fee) from the government.

Shays's rebellion helped to prove which of the following points?

The Articles of Confederation did not work