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they flew the jolly roger

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Q: What did pirates do to tell crews of other ships to surrender?
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Related questions

Why did pirates live on a boat?

Pirates were sailors who stole from others. They sailed on ships and not lived on them. Ship life was hard. There was no beds or bunks, no cooking, no washing, no bathrooms. The crews on ships were often very rough men. When they were in port they were off the ship.

Do pirates steal ships?

it is what pirates do

What is the thing that pirates go on at the top of ships to look for other ships?

the crow's nest

Are pirates ship builders?

Not usually. Pirates were sometimes given ships by governments that wanted to hire them, sometimes they were wealthy enough to have ships built for them, sometimes they just commandeered other ships.

What weapon did pirates use to attack other ships?


Who sunk Denmark's naval fleet in world war 2?

In August 1943, following the failure of the Danes to surrender the Danish Navy to Germany, 31 ships were scuttled by their own Danish crews.

Why did pirates from the Barbary States pose a threat to the US?

They did not pose a threat to the US proper, but they did pose a threat to US shipping, and to the shipping of other seafaring nations. They were capturing ships, stealing their cargoes, and selling the crews and passengers into slavery in North Africa.

On pirates online can you steal ships?

No you cannot steal ships on Pirates Online.

What was Britain doing to American ships and crews that lead to conflict with America in the war of 1812?

The British Royal Navy were stopping American ships and taking sailors to be on the British crews.

Who raided spanish ships?

Ships were commonly raided during voyages. Pirates often raided Spanish ships for treasure and these ships were also raided and attacked by ships from other countries.

What did pirates look for on water?

for other boats, eh ships to plunder,aaarrrgh

What are the people who save ships called?

In the US the Coast Guard save ships and their crews/passengers.