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They dressed like the men

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Q: What did female pirates wear exactly?
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Related questions

Were there any female pirates?

Yes there were female pirates.

Did all pirates wear coats?

Not all pirates wore. But when they did it was the captains who wear the coats.

Where exactly are the hidden pirates on Poptropica?

there re no pirates in poptropica.

Did pirates wear neck less?

Only fancy pirates wear neck less but any pirate can wear a necklace

What types of clothing did female pirates wear?

Female pirates mainly wore men's clothing because women and children were not allowed on pirate ships. Many women went to follow their husbands. Some occasionally wore dresses or revealed themselves to the crew and then dressed like a women.

What was the first book Jane yolen wrote?

Pirates In Petticoats This is a non fiction book about female pirates.

Who is the main character in pirates don't wear pink sunglasses?

The main character in "Pirates Don't Wear Pink Sunglasses" is a girl named Fanny. The story follows her adventures as she explores the world of pirates.

How do pirates wear scarves?

tied around their head

How much did female pirates get paid?

Pirates don't get paid, they steal treasure or sell slaves. _______________ Pirates shared a percentage of the treasure they stole. Their position in the crews (captains and first mates got a bigger percentage) determined what their share was. Female pirates would have received a percentage as well.

Do pirates wear underwear?

I don't know, i haven't checked. Maybe you should . . . good luck with that.p.s. ( watch out for their hooks!)There is no prescribed dress code for pirates. They wear what they choose.

Who would fly the Jolley Roger?

It is not exactly fly though, but the answer is pirates.

Who were the 2 famous female pirates who had headquarters in North Carolina?

no one