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The first Barbary War was in retaliation to the pirates attacking US merchants and their ships. I think it was also the first war fought with the Marines however only eight fought in the war as commanders over Greek and Arab mercenaries

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13y ago
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14y ago

While Washington was president, the French essentially protected American shipping from these pirates. Under Adams. the US paid tribute money to the pirates even though Adams who had negotiated with them before was president hated the idea, but feared the US navy was not strong enough to stand up to them . When Jefferson became president, the US refused to pay and a small war resulted which the US eventually won and also won some European respect for its naval power.

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11y ago

Jefferson created the navy to deal with them and stop them from taking american sailors and also money from our ships.

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Q: What did Jefferson do about the Barbary pirates?
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Thomas Jefferson endorse military action against the Barbary pirates.

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Many of the Barbary pirates began to disrupt colonial trade with England on the high seas. Pirates also seized colonial ships and demanded restitution from Jefferson and other officials.

Who did thomas Jefferson stop paying tribute to and send in the Marines instead?

The Barbary Pirates

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One of them was Decatur.

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Thomas Jefferson's dilemma was the Barbary pirates on the Barbary coast.

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i dontfug know that whyy i typed that in fuing s

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Who created the marines?

Thomas Jefferson - they were the ground fighting force of the Navy to handle the pirates of the Barbary Coast.

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=The Barbary pirates were from North Africa.=