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Slander is spoken defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another which untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed. Slander is a civil wrong (tort) and can be the basis for a lawsuit. Damages (payoff for worth) for slander may be limited to actual (special) damages unless there is malicious intent, since such damages are usually difficult to specify and harder to prove. Some statements such as an untrue accusation of having committed a crime, having a loathsome disease, or being unable to perform one's occupation are treated as slander per se since the harm and malice are obvious, and therefore usually result in general and even punitive damage recovery by the person harmed. Words spoken over the air on television or radio are treated as libel (written defamation) and not slander on the theory that broadcasting reaches a large audience as much if not more than printed publications.

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Nothing. It's a name that is self-applied.

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Wilfred A. Button has written: 'Principles of the law of libel and slander' -- subject(s): Libel and slander

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Ella Cooper Thomas has written: 'The law of libel and slander, and related action' -- subject(s): Compends, Libel and slander

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Constitutional Law

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I think the law recognises a difference between truth and slander. i.e. if the review is true, I assume that you are allowed to, cannot see why not. If it is falsified, you are slandering them and their good name.

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Sir John Salmond defines law as "the body of principles recognised and applied by the state in the adminstration of justice"

Is there a law for slander and what does it mean?

Yes, The law is Defamation of Character. The Law takes place when a person says false statements about you and say it with the malice of it being wrong. If it gets severe I.e Losing Job because of slander you are able to sue the person but evidence must be really strong.