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No, only parents or grandparents are mentioned in the custody rights laws of the different states and not always grandparents either. It's up to the court when you apply for custody.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

No, only parents or grandparents are mentioned in the custody rights laws of the different states and not always grandparents either. It's up to the court when you apply for custody.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

No, only parents have custody rights. If they are found unfit the other relatives have equal rights to get a chance for custody.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

An aunt has no legal rights that would supersede parental rights. Parents have the right to decide who spends time with their child.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

None, unless appointed by a judge

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Through the courts.

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Q: What custody rights does an aunt have?
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Ya if your aunt does not have custody you can leave with bio moms consent, now your aunt might threaten and try to keep you there but without custody she has no legal rights to make you

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No but your sister have rights still and can still have visitation. Both you and the cousin had equal rights in court.

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Yes because the mother had no custody over the child

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In most cases, the mother’s sister does not have automatic rights to the child of her deceased sister. In the event of the child being orphaned, the child's guardianship would typically be determined based on legal procedures, such as the deceased parent's will or court decisions. The aunt may be considered for guardianship or custody, but it is not guaranteed.

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Generally, if married he has custody rights equal to the mother unless she has brought a petition for sole custody in his absence. If he is not married his custody rights must be established by a court order.

If the aunt has custody how could the father go about getting custody?

the biological father is next of kin

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yes you do have to have full legal rights to sign over custody.

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this happened to me 7 years ago..... i was put up for adoption but i finally foun my aunt and i moved in with her.... Maddi<3

What rights does a mother have if custody hasn't been established?

If you are not married the custody automatically falls on the mother and the father have to go to court to get visitation or custody. If you are married you have equal rights.

Can an aunt get custody of her sisters children if sister is unable to care for them?

yes, she can.

How does an aunt get custody of nephew if parents are hospitalized?

With the aide of a lawyer and the courts.