Belle Starr, also known as the "Bandit Queen," was involved in a variety of criminal activities, including horse theft, bootlegging, and harboring known outlaws. She was known to associate with notorious outlaws such as the James-Younger gang and helped them evade capture. Starr's criminal activities ultimately led to her being shot and killed in 1889.
Belle Starr died in 1887, when she was 40.
No, Kay Starr is or was some kind of actress. Belle Starr was a western outlaw.
Belle Starr was born on February 5, 1848.
Belle Starr was born on February 5, 1848.
The duration of Belle Starr - film - is 1.37 hours.
Belle Starr - film - was created on 1941-09-12.
She did not commit any crimes.
Why did he commit crimes
Myra Belle Shirley
Belle Starr - 1980 TV is rated/received certificates of: Singapore:PG
a shotgun