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This is a pretty open ended question that will require talking to a lawyer in your jurisdiction. It's because the "reasonable" standard is taken on a case by case basis and is very particular to the family situation. For instance, if you don't have a car and the other parent does, but you live 3 hours away from your daughter, it's not reasonable for the other parent to have to drive your daughter to see you very often. That's an extreme example, but the gist of it is that it all depends on the circumstances. What's reasonable for one family may not be reasonable to another. It's not a question that can be answered online. However, I'm assuming that you are the non-custodial parent and have a court order of some sort that states that you are entitled to reasonable access to your daughter. If this is the case and you feel as though you are not being given reasonable access to her, again you should talk to a lawyer who would petition the court to hold your daughter's other parent in contempt of court for failing to obey the court order and issue another order mandating that the other parent comply or face civil and/or criminal penalties. If you're worried about costs, it may be possible in your jurisdiction to sue the other parent for your attorney fees and court costs along with the petition for contempt and enforcement of the order.

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