The MMA Weekly is the biggest and largest independent Mix Martial Arts fighting tournament. Many fighters earn their living as MMA fighters. The MMA Weekly has been around for 10 years.
In the last five years, there has been changes in appearance, physique and weight. There has also been significant changes in mental maturity.
You should say "The meeting has been moved" because "meeting" is singular and requires the singular verb "has."
it can not move but it could in the 80's
The longest relationship Emma's been in was with her most recent ex Will Adamowicz. They dated for almost two years after meeting at Oxford.
"will have been meeting" is the verb phrase in the given sentence.
The most visible changes have been in the accuracy of the physics engines.
coz there has
I am sure that over the years, sime have been changed, because new moves were invented, but I don't think that any rules have been changes lately.
There have indeed been changes made on the xylophone to improve it over the years. The keys for example were rearranged.