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If you believe your ex has filed the lien only to force you to give up title to the property, I would file a new petition with the original court that determined how the property should be split. Make sure you state in your petition that the Honorable Judge (last name) had ordered that the property at (give address) was to be solely held by (your name) but after the Judge's order, your ex (give his name) has filed a lien which you believe was filed only to give him control over the property. Then, request the Judge review this in light of the Judge's previous order.

Have all documents with you in case copies need filed with the petition. I would include:

  1. The Judge's prior order concerning THIS property
  2. The deed of the property in question
  3. The lien paper you received AFTER the Judge's order
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Q: What can you do if your ex husband filed a lien on property that was not granted to him by the court?
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