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If it affected the outcome of the case, you can appeal the case.

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Q: What can you do if someone blatantly lied about me in a civil case?
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No, the sentence should be: "She dislikes being lied to." This is the correct way to express that someone doesn't like being lied to.

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You stand up and go tell the judge thatthey lied and tell them reasons how youknow.

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Youi can very well sue your ex husband , even if you have child,if he has lied and already got a wife and child , you can file a case against him.

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The glorious act of "teabagging"

How do you trust a girlfriend after being lied to?

If i was being lied to by my girlfriend I would give her another chance just to prove she won't lie and if you find out she lied to you again then i would move on to someone else cause knowone likes being lied to. Kitcat0419

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dont know, someone lied to me

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u cant someone lied about that.

What if you told someone you like them but you don't?

Then tell them them the truth and make an excuse of why you lied

How do you tell the truth now that you lied about husband physical abuse in court?

You have to be very careful with something like this. You must give reasons behind why you lied. If you were to outright say that you had lied and that this is the truth they will turn it against you and insinuate that you were lying about other things related to this case. Tell them why you lied. Was it because you were afraid he wouldn't be taken seriously and thus get let out and hurt you again? Did you lie because you were afraid of telling the truth? You have to clearly and consciously identify why you lied and let the court know that. Otherwise, you could lose the case. Always support your answers.

My son's girlfriend lied to the police and said he broke into her home. Is there a penalty for her if it is proven she lied?

Most states have a crime such as filing a false report. If it is established that she intentionally lied to the police, the district attorney may choose to charge her, or you may choose to file a civil action against her, or both.

How did you feel if someone had lied to you about something important?

i was very angry and upset but i told them how i felt and then we talked it out and it got resolved and they never lied to me again but lots of people are different.