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Legally nothing, assets of a deceased's estate cannot be distributed to heirs until probate procedures are finalized. The executor/attorney has no obligation to kee beneficiaries informed of the proceedings unless they are needed to corroborate information (such as a deposition) or when probate is concluded and remaining assets can be distributed as pursuant to the instructions of the will. If the person died intestate, the state probate laws are followed in partitioning off remaining assets after all debts, taxes, legal fees and so forth have been paid.

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Q: What can you do if executor or lawyer will not return your calls about payout date?
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Constantly call your lawyer and tell them you want to know what is going on. If they don't seem to fill you in much, I would advise you to go look for another lawyer! Your lawyer, if they're good, should be returning all your phone calls and answering all your questions. Remember, they work for you (you are their boss).

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Get a lawyer and have the matter taken before a judge. Even if the custodial parent refuses to respond to your attempts, she (or he) will have no choice in responding to a subpoena.

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In order to stop a collection lawyer from calling you it is possible to ask a consumer protection attorney for help or pay the debt. Also, make sure the collection lawyer actually calls for a company you own money to.

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yes maybe shes playing hard to get

If arrested how soon do you need to consult with a lawyer?

As soon as you can - this should be one of your allowed telephone calls, if you think it is necessary.