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At 18 years old, the person is considered an adult and then not a runaway.

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Q: What can the police do to a person who takes in an 18 year old runaway in the state of Alabama?
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if they have you in custody, yes they can

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Can a police officer force a runaway in Illinois to return home to the state they are from?

Maybe not a police officer but the Childrens Services may.

What are the laws in Maine concerning harboring a runaway. What will happen to the person harboring a runaway?

There is no law in the state of Maine, That will have you arrested for harboring a runaway.

What actions will be taken by the state of if a 17 year old refuses to return home?

Depends on the state. You can be reported as a runaway and the police will bring you back. Anyone who have helped you can be charged with aiding a runaway.

At what age do the police stop considering a child a runaway in the state of Illinois?

When they reach the age of majority, which is 18.

Will the police look for a runaway in Washington state?

Uh...ya! Or at least they'll send out an Amber Alert.

Do city police officers have authority to issue citations on a Alabama state highway?

No, city police officers typically do not have authority to issue citations on state highways in Alabama. Jurisdiction for enforcing traffic laws on state highways usually falls under the Alabama State Troopers or State Highway Patrol. City police officers generally have authority within their own jurisdiction, which typically includes city streets and roads.

What is the law for runaways in MN?

In the state of Minnesota, a child is considered to be a runaway if they are under age 18 and do not have their parents or guardians permission to leave the home. The parents can call the police and the police may issue the runaway a citation to appear in court.

Can the police take you back to your house if you move out without your parents consent in the state of ct?

Yes of course, you are a runaway.

What age will police not look for a runaway child in the state of California?

In California, there is no specific age at which police will automatically stop looking for a runaway child. Law enforcement agencies will generally continue to investigate and search for any missing person regardless of age. However, the level of resources allocated to the search may vary depending on the individual circumstances of the case.

Is it illegal to harbor a runaway in Indiana?

A runaway person is considered to be almost against law in Indiana. If you runaway without good reason or becoming emancipated before you turn 18 then you are considered to be a runaway.