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What can a father do if the mother of. His children took the kids and moved to another state without permission.

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Q: What can a father do if the mother of his children took the kids and moved to another state without his permission?
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not without his permission, and in states that allow lesbian couple adoptions

Can a school send information to a absent father who has not had contact with his children for 18 months without permission off the mother?

Yes, they will not discriminate.

Your daughter is in jail and you have legal custody of her children how can you stop father from taking them out of state?

Get can't without the permission of the court. File an injunction.

Can you move in with your father at 17 without your moms permission?

Only if you get a court's permission to do so.

What is something that Jonas took without permission?

Jonas took his father's bicycle without permission in "The Giver" by Lois Lowry.

If your parents have joint custody of you can you move states to live with your Father without the permission of your mother?

No , not usually.Don't do it without permission or you may get your Dad in trouble.

Can father be put in nursing home without your permission?

Unless you are the legal guardian of your father, yes. There is no requirement that he get your permission. And if someone else is guardian, it is their decision.

Can a child divorce father without permission while he is paying child support?

Divorce is something that happens between spouses, not between parents and children. A child's refusal to see the father does not affect the father's child support obligation.

Can I move from the UK to another Country with my Children without the consent of their father.?

If the children's father has parental responsibility, you generally need his consent to move abroad. If he does not give consent, you can seek permission from the courts. It is important to follow the legal processes in place to avoid potential legal complications.

Can a father take his 2 children under the age of 3 and move to another state against the mothers demand that the children stay he is is the biological father and spends more time with the children?

No, I believe not. You would have to go to court or at least ask the mother. In no way, shape or form should he take his children across a state border or even a property line without permission from court or mother. That would be seen as kiddnapping.

Can an unmarried mother in Ohio take her children and move to another state with the father still in Ohio?

yes, but you need permission from the father. i wouldn't do that though because it's taking your child's father away form them and that's mean.