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Each branch of the US government receives its authority from the Constitution, which is not a branch of government itself, but a set of guidelines the Founding Fathers created to establish the federal government. The first three Articles assign separate powers to each branch.

Article I Legislative branch (Congress: House of Representatives and the Senate)

Article II Executive branch (President)

Article III Judicial branch (US Supreme Court and the federal court system)

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Q: What branch of the US government gives each branch of government specific rights?
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Who gives power to the government and which document states it?

Bill of rights

How does the constitution limit congressonal power?

The constitution provides us with the System of Checks and Balances. It gives one branch of government power over another branch. The constitution specifically limits congressional powers by saying that the states hold the ultimate rights.

Article 3 in the US constitution deals with who?

Article 3 of the constitution establishes the judicial branch of government along with other lower federal courts pursuant to the constitution.70 it is also deals with the citzens because it gives the bill of rights and the rights of the civilians.

What gives the legislative branch of the fedreral government its pover?

The legislative branch gets it's power from Article I of the United States Constitution.

Which system gives the most power to the legislative branch?

Theoretically, the legislative branch of government has more power in a Parliamentary system than in a Presidential system of government.

The parliamentary form of government gives most of the power of government to the executive?

The statement, "The parliamentary form of government gives most of the power of government to the executive" (that is, to the executive branch of the government), is in fact generally false. While an executive branch of a parliamentary system may in fact have tremendous freedom to act politically as its particular genius dictates, it nevertheless receives legitimacy from the legislative branch of the government, which retains the power to revoke the power of the executive branch by formal schedule, in identifiable emergency-situations, or otherwise.