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Q: What branch decides whether or not a law agrees with Virginia's Constitution?
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What is the body of laws that everyone agrees on?

The answer is the constitution. The constitution is the body of laws that every body agrees the obey

What do you call someone that agrees with the US Constitution?


When the borrower agrees to a voluntary repossession but their mother contests the action is that a wrongful act of repossession?

No, if the vehicle is subject to repossession due to a default in the lending agreement, it is irrelevant whether or not the parent agrees to the action.

What is the federlist party?

Federalism is a division of power between a strong central government and state governments.

What do you do if your boyfriend is asking other girls out for juices?

You should discuss whether he believes that he is in an exclusive or an open relationship with you. You can then decide whether his concept of the relationship agrees with yours.

Can a president be impeached for not following the constitution?

Yes, if the House of Representatives agrees that he is violating the provisions of the Constitution. (The precise grounds for impeachment are up to the House to decide upon, but failure to uphold the Constitution would certainly be grounds if the charges could be proven. )

What is the Constitution for the US?

The Constitution for the US is a list of rules that was written when the US got its freedom from England and has helped us run our country ever since then. When ever someone disagrees with a law that was passed they take that law to the Supreme Court which looks over that law with the Constitution to see if it agrees with the Constitution.

Agreeing with the constitution?

Agreeing with the constitution is known as constitutional.

In Act IV Scene ii when Capulet learns that Juliet apparently agrees to the wedding with Paris what decision does he make?

He decides to have the wedding a day earlier before Juliet changes her mind.

Which branch can make a law relating to gun control?

First, Congress (legislative branch) needs to think of a law relating to gun control. Then, if the president (executive branch) agrees with it, he/she will sign it. Then, it goes to the judicial branch where the court of nine judges decides if it is against the constitution or not. If it is not against it, then it will become a law. So, you basically need all of the branches to make a law.

What does it mean when a girl agrees she is pretty?

I guess it means she's confident......doesn't have any doubts about whether or not she's pretty.

Who decides who is to be a patron saint?

People or clergy can petition the Vatican to name a particular saint as the patron of some particular city, occupation or against some disease. If the Vatican agrees, that saint will be named as a patron.