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The Judicial Branch

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Q: What branch can decide what will happen if a person sues government or a state?
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How are the people in the executive branch chose?

The only person who serves in the exective branch of the U.S. government is the president. He is chosen by the party he represents and then it is up to the people to decide which person, either Democrat or Republican, they want in the White House.

What would happen if a government branch took over?

A government branch cannot take over due to the system of checks and balances. There is a separation of powers so the government cannot turn into an authoritarian one, meaning no one person or group can take control of the government.

A congress person is a member of which branch of government?

Congress is the legislative branch.

No person serving in one branch of the government may serve in any other branch at the same time?

limited government

What person represent the executive branch of government?

the president

What was the creation of checks and balamces?

So that all the branches of gov. had to agree on a law. Not only one person could decide. a system that allows each branch of a government to amend or veto acts of another branch so as to prevent any one branch from exerting too much power

What branch of government in ancient rome that had unlimited power called a dictator?

The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.

How do you become a Tomas in The 39 Clues?

you cannot decide which branch you want to be in. The time a person creates an account he or she is automatically gets into any one branch but they cannot decide which one. My agent card code P2FHHNDHXP

Who has the power to decide how old a person must be to get married?

state government

If the president pardons a person convicted of a crime which branch of the government is he checking?

He actually isn't checking any branch of the government. He is simply exercising a unique power granted to his office.

What are the caracterriseies of presidential system of government?

The characteristics of a Presidential system of government include a person who is the head of state and the head of the executive branch of government.

Do the states or the federal government decide how a person registers to vote?

Constitution defines who a voter is.