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Executive branch. The President.

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Executive. President.

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Q: What branch approves or vetoes laws?
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What branch of the us government approves and vetoes bills?

The Executive Branch has the authority to veto a bill.

Who approves and carry out laws passed by the legislative branch?

The Executive Branch (the President) approves laws passed by the Legislative Branch. They are also responsible for implementing as well as enforcing those laws.

What branch approves and Carries out laws passed by the legislative branch?

executive branch

What branch approves and carry out laws passed by the legislative branch?

executive branch

What branch approves and carry out laws passed by the legislative baranch?

executive branch

What are the responsibilties of the executive branch?

Makes treaties and approves laws

What branch of the government approves laws?

the congress in white house

What is the execuitive branch?

the purpose of the executives branch is the group of congress that say wheat her the laws can be pass on or they vetoes it

Why is the executive branch important to Mexico?

Because it enforces the laws and on some instances, vetoes the laws. The most important person of that branch is the President.

What is the main function of each branch regarding laws?

interprets the law passes, improves. or vetoes laws makes laws

What cans the legislative branch do if the president vetoes a bill?

It has to be re-passed by two third of the Senate and House of Representatives, if the president vetoes the laws.

What branch of the government makes the laws and approves the state budget?
