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the executive branch

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Q: What beanch can declare executive actions unconstitutional?
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Starter tapping when trying to start?

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Is the oak leaf considered a sign of peac?

The oak leaf is not considered a sign of peace. An olive beanch is, though. If you look at the official seal of the USA, you will see an American eagle holding arrows in one talon, but olive branches in the other.

How can you make your body more flexiable?

stretching can most definitely in crease ur flexibility Also if you want to increase flexibility in your splits you can put your heel on an beanch, sofa ect and gently slide down with your back leg. doing this will help your splits go more towards to floor Good Luck !! xxx

What is the branch of Christianity?

If I understand the question correctly, there are three branches of Christianity: Catholic, Eastern Orthdox, and Protestant. Some may add a fourth beanch, Anglican, being that many see it as a "bridge" between (or merging of) Catholic and Protestant.

How much should a 12 year old bench press?

Bench pressing is based entirely on weight, height, and just how strong you are (which by doing workouts will make you stronger). Alot of people are going to throw up junk answers, saying that they can bench like 225 or even into the 300's at 12. Don't listen to them. People also say they bench like 125 to 135, which can be accurate for a 12 year old, but most of them are huge, which again goes back to the weight thing...A healthy bench press would be to bench your own weight. That is the primary goal. Most 12 year olds can't do that. I'm 12, 5'2, and I weigh in at 85 lbs. I lift six days a week (bench press on 3 days) mostly because I'm a wrestler. I max out 95-100 but I can throw up 95 a good 2, maybe 3 times. I struggle alot with 100 though. Most of my friends can only get 60, maybe 65. I'd say of my usual group of friends, the only other guy benching near me, is my friend who maxes out at 85 or 90. Only he really works out though. He weighs 105. So I'd say I'm an above average lifter just because I can get 10-15 pounds up from my weight. An average 12 year old probably won't bench his weight from the get go, it'll take some working out, but if I had to guess an average, I'd say that 70-80 should be for those who weigh under a 100. Just my opinion though