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Equal Employment Opportunity states that it protects an individuals rights to apply for a position and not be discriminated against based upon race, gender, or age. With respect to your ability to apply for an internal position with your existing organization, you would not be covered under EEO. Applying for a position is separate from obtaining an interview. You should not be restricited from applying, even if you posess none of the skills required for the position. Interveiwing is the initial screening for reducing the amount of prospective applicants. There will be those individuals who do not appear to posess the necessary skills, experience, etc. for an employer to continue with the process. There is nothing illegal in that, unless the reasons for discontinuation are based upon race, gender, or age. It also includes sexual preference (at least in California)

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Q: What are your rights when an equal opportunity employer denies you an interview for a better position with the company because of attendence?
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When applying for a position as a help desk technician you discover the job interview will happen by telephone why so you think the employer has chosen this method for the interview?

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