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Call in, but you'd better be damned sick. They've heard that one before.

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Q: What are you supposed to do if you are sick on the day that you are supposed to report for jury duty?
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How do you get let go from jury duty?

say you have a sickness, are watching someone sick, are on vacation, etc.Another View: MAYBE - in SOME places it is that easy to get out of jury duty, but where I have served you had better have a signed note or diagnosis from your doctor or attending physician (if you're the caretaker) - VERY little will excuse you from jury duty and each individual excuse/reason was evaluated on an individual basis.

How do you exercise when sick?

You are not really supposed to exercise

Can your employer withhold your pay if you fail to report in sick?

He can for the day that you claimed to be sick.

Are 68w supposed to pull CQor staff duty as being an on-call 24hr duty position?

Yes, you can be expected to pull CQ or Staff Duty, provided your regular duties can be fulfilled by someone else. If you're a line medic, in a line unit, and the unit's PA can do with one medic less during morning Sick Call, no big fuss will be raised about it. If you're a fobbit medic, working in a TMC, then it may be a different story. What they're not supposed to do is expect you to pull double duty - CQ/SD in addition to your regular duties.

What are you supposed to drink when your sick?

7-Up or water

What are reasons someone would be excused from jury duty?

In some countries it is illegal to make false representation to avoid jury duty. There are, however legitimate reasons for not attending. Be sure to inform the court well in advance. Check the law where you live.

Leave letter writing I want to draft a sick leave to my employer so how can i draft a leter?

If you want to draft a sick leave letter to your employer, there are key details to include. This may include period of leave, expected date to resume duty and possibly include a report from a doctor among others.

What is the nurses duty?

to help sick people and don't make them die

What can I take for not getting sick?

Vitamin C is supposed to prevent illness

What is the the duty of the vice president?

to be a back up if the president gets sick or dies.

Should you be made to work near food if you have a cold?

No, you are not supposed to work when you are sick. The labor laws requires you to be given a sick leave.

Where find the anne pressly autopsy report?

You're sick. Make sure someone posts your autopsy report online.