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pickup passengers and no turns

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Q: What are you not allowed to do when driving on a motorway?
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What is overdrive for on a pajero?

for motorway driving

Can you drive a 164cc quad bike on the motorway?

If it is road legal and you have a full driving licence and insurance you can ride it on a motorway.

Full UK driving licence. can you drive a reliant on a motorway?

Yes, a Robin Reliant is not classed as a 'slow vehicle' for the purposes of exeptions to the motorway.

What is the main cause of motorway accidents?

According to auto experts, the main causes of motorway accidents are driving too fast and faulty observation. Also, driving too closely is another major cause.

What is the quickest driving route between Manchester and Edinburgh?

The A1 motorway.

Can you drive on a motorway if your 17 and passed your driving licence in the UK?

Yes you can

What is the driving distance from Munich to Esslingen?

722 km, using the A3 motorway.

Are motorbikes allowed on the motorway?

Yes, unless their engine is smaller than 50cc

What is average Gas mileage average for 2008 ford focus?

Town or motorway driving?

In what circumstances are you allowed to stop on a motorway?

You may stop on the hard shoulder in an emergency only.

If im driving how do i get from cork to dublin?

There is a motorway between Cork and Dublin, using the M8 and then the M7.

What is a motorway marker in the UK?

A motorway in the UK is a major 'divided highway' type of road, serving major towns and cities. A motorway 'marker' could be the small signs seen along a motorway that identify the exact location and distance to the end of the motorway (useful for reporting position if your car breaks down). These are every 500 metres. If the question is about how motorways are marked in the UK, then all motorway signs are white text on a blue background. Exits (off-ramps) are signposted well in advance while driving on the motorway.