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The government is not suppose to provide for the general welfare, it is suppose to promote the general welfare. There is a big dfference.

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Q: What are three ways in which the federal government promotes the general welfare?
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The Preamble says that the federal government will promote the general welfare. Which federal policy does this?

Social Policy

How would a government promote general welfare?

they make sure that their people are happy and have a good future. they would also want the citizens to get along well with each other.

Which branch of the government regulates welfare?

federal government

Policies that affect the general welfare of the people are called policies?

General welfare policies are government policies that affect the general welfare of citizens. This includes things such as health and safety.

What does it mean promotes general welfare?

The phrase 'to promote general welfare' means to do things that would improve the health, prosperity, or well-being of the person. The phrase is located in the Preamble to the Constitution.

What are examples of promotes the general welfare?

Examples of promoting the general welfare are promoting security, food and drug laws, protection of the people (policemen, firemen, etc.), and overall healthy living.

What is a Welfare Reform?

A welfare reform is a movement to change the federal government's social welfare policy which shifts responsibility to the states and cut benefits.

What was the general approach of new deal policies in responding to the great depression?

The New Deal sought to create federal government programs to improve the welfare of the American republic.

Which goal in the preamble to the US constitution does the government fulfill when it builds roads and schools?

"promote the general welfare" -novanet

Is an animal cruelty investigator part of the federal government?

Animal welfare is the responsibility of the state government. However as the federal government must have responsibility in the case of live export.

Is Welfare income classified as ordinary income?

No. Under the "General Welfare Doctrine", any government welfare payments are not included in taxable income.

Which federal policy carries out the Preamble's call to promote the general welfare?

Social Policy