

Best Answer

Supreme court

Court of justice

Repesenative court

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Q: What are three levels of the judicial system?
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Related questions

How many levels does Minnesota have in its court system?

The Minnesota Judicial Branch is made of three levels.

Is it true that the judicial branch has three levels of court?

Yes. It is true. The three levels are district, appeals, and supreme.

What are the three levels of the US government?

Australia has Federal, State and Localgovernment levels.

Who created the three levels of federal courts within the judicial branch?

my dog

What are the four levels and three branches of the government?

The three branches are Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The four levels are Federal, State, County/City, and Town.

The three levels of government created by the constitution were?

Not three levels, three branches the three branches were/are: the executive (president), the legislative (Congress) and judicial (Sumpreme and inferior circut courts)

What are the three levels of government and what does this type of government look like?

legislative, judicial, and executive

What are the names of the three levels of government?

Judicial Branch, Executive Branch, and Legislative Branch

What are the three government system?

the executive, the judicial, and the legislative branch

What are tree levels of government?

Do you mean the three branches Of Government??those are Legeslative, Executive, and Judicial

What do you call each level of government?

They aren't levels. They are branches. And the three branches of government are : Legislative, Exectutive, and Judicial.

Name the three levels of government.?

The three levels of government are:The central governmentState governmentsLocal self-government