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To be a patentable invention, it must be "new" and "non-obvious" to those who normally work with such things.

A patent application generally consists of a formal description of the invention and a claim to the "property" the inventor or inventors have added to the art.

In the USA format you would have a "title", an "abstract", "background", "summary", "detailed description" and one or more "claims", in addition to whatever drawings or tables are necessary to understand how to make the invention work. This is in addition to any "formalities" regarding statements of ownership, fees, correspondence address, etc.

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Q: What are the structure and requirements of a patent for an invention to be submitted?
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What invention was patented in 1876 on Valentine's Day?

The patent for the telephone was submitted on the 14th of February 1876, but not granted until the 7th of March 1876.

What 2 things do scientists need to prove to get a patent?

There are no requirements to prove anything to get a patent. Under US law, there is a constitutional right to have a patent that properly claims a qualifying invention. The patent office must prove that the application or the invention does not qualify under one or more laws or rules if it wants to reject an application for a patent.

How does a person get an invention patent?

Firstly, conduct a patent search to check that your invention is new and not already patented. Once you know your invention is unique, file your patent with the US patent and trademark office.

Where does one go to get a patent for their invention?

One can get a patent for their invention by contacting the patent office. One must have a detailed summary of their invention and it's purpose in order for it to be patented.

utility patent vs design patent?

A utility patent and a design patent are two types of patents that protect different aspects of an invention. A utility patent protects the functional aspects of an invention, such as its structure, composition, and operation. It gives the owner the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using, selling, and importing the invention for a period of up to 20 years from the date of filing. Utility patents are typically used to protect inventions such as machines, processes, and chemical compositions. On the other hand, a design patent protects the ornamental or aesthetic features of an invention. It gives the owner the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using, selling, and importing the ornamental design for a period of up to 15 years from the date of grant. Design patents are typically used to protect the visual appearance of an invention, such as its shape, pattern, or surface ornamentation. In summary, a utility patent protects the functional aspects of an invention, while a design patent protects the ornamental design of an invention. It is possible for an invention to be eligible for both types of patents if it has both functional and ornamental aspects that are novel and non-obvious. Patent Drawings Services patent drawings services Patent drawings are an important part of the patent application process, as they help to illustrate the invention and provide a visual representation of its various features and components. While patent applicants can create their own drawings, it is often advisable to hire a professional patent drawing service to ensure that the drawings meet the specific requirements of the patent office and accurately represent the invention. There are many companies that offer patent drawing services, ranging from individual freelance illustrators to larger firms that specialize in patent illustrations. Some key factors to consider when selecting a patent drawing service include: Experience and expertise in creating patent drawings that meet the requirements of the relevant patent office. Ability to work with inventors and patent attorneys to create accurate and detailed drawings that clearly illustrate the invention. Quality of work and portfolio of previous patent drawings. Turnaround time and pricing. When selecting a patent drawing service, it is important to do your research and choose a company that has a proven track record of producing high-quality patent drawings that meet the specific requirements of the relevant patent office. We provide patent drawing services for a wide range of industries and clients. click for here more detail

What is patent revocation?

Patent revocation is the removal of patent protection from an invention.

A license to make use or sell an invention?


What is another word for registering an invention?

try the word 'patent'. you would patent a new invention.

Where can you apply for invention patents?

If someone has invented something that they wish to patent, they will need to apply for a patent at the nearest patent office and provide details of the invention, preferably take the invention with them.

What protects an inventors rights to invention?

A patent.

What can you get a patent for?

You can get a patent for an invention that is "new" and "non-obvious".

How to get a patent on a similar patent?

An improvement of an existing invention is itself an invention, and can be patented like any other invention. Contact a patent practitioner (patent agent or patent attorney) for assistance. The United States Patent and Trademark Office has lists and addresses of patent practitioners in every state. Avoid companies that advertise they will "help you get a patent."