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Conscience. One must know the difference between right and wrong and recognize that one has done wrong that has caused harm. Guilt is the emotional response to that recognition.

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Q: What are the sources of guilt for a narcissist?
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Does a narcissist ever feel guilty to the point of giving guilt presents to his girlfriend like diamonds?

A narcissist may give expensive gifts, but only as a means of psychological manipulation, not out of guilt. A true narcissist thinks only of him or herself, and therefore is incapable of feeling guilt.

Will a narcissist husband feel the guilt if you will be separated?

NO. Narcissists' brains have been shown to lack the capacity for genuine empathy & emotion. No matter what he SAYS he won't FEEL a thing

Why a cheating married narcissist become suddenly guilty about cheating?

They are afraid of getting caught. Narcissists do not like consequences. It's not "guilt." It's fear of losing their control over the situation.

If the Narcissist discards you do they think of you anymore at all?

They don't think of you actively - but they add you to a "database" of old and discarded sources that can be "recycled" for future use.

What does galathea-pygmallion mean?

Some Sources of Supply are ideal (from the narcissist's point of view): sufficiently intelligent, sufficiently gullible, submissive, reasonably (but not overly) inferior to the narcissist, in possession of a good memory (with which to regulate the flow of Narcissistic Supply), available but not imposing, not explicitly or overtly manipulative, interchangeable (not indispensable), not demanding (a fatalist to a degree), attractive (if the narcissist is somatic).

What does galathea pygmallion mean?

Some Sources of Supply are ideal (from the narcissist's point of view): sufficiently intelligent, sufficiently gullible, submissive, reasonably (but not overly) inferior to the narcissist, in possession of a good memory (with which to regulate the flow of Narcissistic Supply), available but not imposing, not explicitly or overtly manipulative, interchangeable (not indispensable), not demanding (a fatalist to a degree), attractive (if the narcissist is somatic).

What does like Galathea-Pygmallion mean?

Some Sources of Supply are ideal (from the narcissist's point of view): sufficiently intelligent, sufficiently gullible, submissive, reasonably (but not overly) inferior to the narcissist, in possession of a good memory (with which to regulate the flow of Narcissistic Supply), available but not imposing, not explicitly or overtly manipulative, interchangeable (not indispensable), not demanding (a fatalist to a degree), attractive (if the narcissist is somatic).

What type narcissist stays with another abusive narcissist?

A borderline. Essentially a more emotionally reactive narcissist.

Are narcissist as bad as people say they are and how horrible are they?

In my personal experience being married to one for 17 years, the worst part, is that the victims involved, are often clueless as to the abuse that is taking place. The abuse cycle is often very subtle, while you are living it, but glaring once you are removed from the situation. The narcissist uses guilt followed by appreciation peppered with manipulation, lies, fear, and cruelty. When a narcissist seems content and happy with you, following an incident, make no mistake.... they are pleased with themselves that they have tricked you once again.

Can a Narcissist and psychopath have a lasting relationship?

I am not sure what "meaningful" means - but many narcissists have long term relationships with their sources of supply (not necessarily with other narcissists).

How do you use narcissist in a sentence?

He is a narcissistic jerk.

Is it wise to tell everyone about the narcissist?

Be careful if you do, the narcissist can be a monster to anyone who hurts their pride.