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The child has a right to any support ordered but not paid (actually collecting it is another matter).

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Q: What are the rights of an illigitimate child when both parents are dead?
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Can the father of your child deny you rights to take your child if there are no court ordered visitation rights?

If there are no court orders both parents have equal rights.

What states restict a custodial parent from move out of state withou the noncustodial parents consent?

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Yes, both parents do.

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Yes. In California, both parents must agree if one parent wishes to terminate his rights and responsibilities to his child.

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You're married now and both parents have equal parental rights.

If a father gives up his parental rights does that mean the child can be adopted?

Yes, both parents do.

Can you adopt a child when the paternal father has partial custody?

Both biological parents have to sign their rights away or there will be no adoption.

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A child with both parents dead

How can a mother give up her prenatal rights?

Parental rights cannot be given up until the child is born. The court will seek consent from both parents.

Does a child age 12 have to visit a parent when no visitation rights are enforced?

Yes. Both parents have responsibility that the court order is followed. The court have decided that it is in the child's best interest to have access to both parents. The child might not think so now but then again that is why children need parents - they don't always know what is best for them.

Can a woman's boyfriend or husband adopt her children with out having their father give up his parental rights?

The child's father is going to have to give up his rights first. You cannot adopt a child, if both parents do not agree.

Does a child have to be born to terminate parental rights?

The short answer to this question is no. Often times one or both parents terminate their parental rights before the child is born (this is often done in cases where the parents are planning to put the child up from adoption). However, the laws vary from state to state. Thus, you must research the laws in the state where the child will be born. An attorney can help you understand your parental rights, including terminating those rights.