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The responsibilities of a citezen.Well theres are three.------------------------------->1.Voting--->2.obeying the law----> 3.Paying your taxes. There are many more and i hope you understand this more clearly for homework or if you are just wondering.I just finished studying this subject at my school.

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Q: What are the responsibilities of citizens to president of United States?
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What are to responsibilities that are only for the United states citizens?

serve on a jury or vote federal election

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The president of the United States is chosen by the people of the United States. An election is held every four years for the citizens to vote for their next president.

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The Presidential Citizens Medal is an award bestowed. by the President of the United States. It is the second-highest civilian award in the United States

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they are elected by the citizens of the united states of America

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He was elected into office by the citizens of the United States.

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Citizens, the congress, and the president. Basically the citizens sometimes send the idea in, the congress and president approve it.

Can a person adopted from China become president?

No. Only natural born citizens (meaning citizens that were born in the United States of America) can become president.

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Jimmy Carter was the 39th President of the United States. He became the president because he wanted to make the government competent and compassionate for the citizens.

How are do citizens have to be to vote for president?

No thy do not have to the get to if the are a citizen of the United States over the age of 18.

Can a Canadian be a U.S president?

No. Presidents can only be natural born citizens of the United States.

Does the 20th amendment do away with the electoral college?

Not necessarily. The twentieth amendment states that the process of electing a president will be through popular vote of citizens of the United States. In a way, the citizens of the United States are the electoral college.