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Expectations of a daughter's responsibilities vary according to the culture in which she lives. Cleaning the house, obeying her mother and respecting her parents may be what is required of her in some cultures.

In other cultures parents regard one of a daughter's (or a son's) main responsibilities as being to study dutifully, successfully complete her education to the highest level of her ability, and then obtain high status, well paid employment.

It might also be regarded as a daughter's (or son's) duty to marry well and produce children.

When parents become elderly, with failing health, it is regarded in most cultures as mainly a daughter's duty to take responsibility for their emotional and practical support, and for either providing, or else arranging, personal care for them.


Basic responisibilities of the daughter include :

  • Obey family orders
  • Obey and follow the family rules and regulations
  • Respect the culture, tradition, religion
  • Fulfill the expectations of family
  • Never betray trust of family members
  • Make everyone in family proud by her good deeds
  • Keep everyone in family happy and satisfied
  • Spread love and trust in family.


It is important to distinguish between legal and cultural responsibilities. The above deals with cultural expectations. In all developed nations, there are very few legal responsibilities that children have to their parents. And no distinctions are made between a daughter and a son in terms of legal responsibilities for their parents.

In the developed world, legal responsibilities of children for their parents are almost universally voluntarily assumed: children are often the designated heirs, and will fulfill roles such as executioner of the estate, medical proxy, and even legal guardianship. However, these type of legal responsibilities are something that the child and parent must agree upon, and cannot be forced onto the child (if the child defers receiving them, such duties, at the last resort, fall to the state to resolve, usually via a court-appointed 3rd party). That is, developed nations assume that an adult is responsible for arranging their own affairs, and that no other adult has an inherent (non-voluntary) duty to manage another's affairs.

In the developing world, which seldom has an extensive legal framework and body of laws, cultural norms are enforced as legal requirements. That is, law is based on custom. In developing countries that have created a more independent and formal legal system, custom is often used as a guideline where the laws haven't been explicit - that is, judges will enforce customary roles (usually with some flexibility based on the particular facts of the case) when the law doesn't provide explicit instructions. This hybrid approach is typical found in a country moving from a purely customary legal system to one of explicit legal formalism.

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