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As the end user or 'consumer' (quoted as such that these chemicals have unknown consequences from human consumption, and therefore should not be consumed.) Since most of these distributors disclaim their liabilities, and since the products are labelled as chemicals for research or other non consumption application, there could be other toxic/hazardous chemicals contained within the product which is 'acceptable' since the product is not sold and labelled as a food or drug.

You are free to legally import these chemicals, but your intention must be that you are performing research in-vitro, or in-vivo (veterinary), so long as you have a license for the latter. People often spill chemicals in their mouth and other incidences seem to occur frequently while doing research. This would not be a criminal act, and it's advised that you contact a poison control center if you are unsure of the toxic threshold, or experience any severe reaction, be it allergic or chemical related. In the US, things are quite different and metabolites of some legal substances may actually be scheduled substances, which would classify you as under the influence and possibly face felony charges if you get drug screened.

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Q: What are the regulations on importing non scheduled research chemicals into Canada?
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